The Zahrani Oil Installations Solar PV Project
The Ministry of Energy and Water – Tripoli and Zahrani Oil Installation has implemented a 1 MWp grid-tied solar PV system back in 2016 in its Zahrani Oil Installations Facility in the South of Lebanon. The produced energy is being consumed by the facility, while the excess is directly fed to the national grid through the net-meters. The system expands over an approximate area of 8,000 m2 split between a lower and an upper sites and it is coupled at 4 different connection points on the low voltage side.
With a total of 3,524 modules of 310 Wp each, East-West orientation, and a tilt angle of 10 degrees, the site has a great potential for further expanding the capacity of installed solar PV panels. With this iconic project, it is becoming clear that renewables are at core of the global energy transition.