LCEC has published on Monday 15 March 2021 a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for a building Energy Audit, within the Energy Smart Mediterranean Schools Network (ESMES) project. The winning bidder will be responsible for conducting an energy audit at Ecole des Arts et Métiers, followed by an energy rehabilitation plan that will serve as a basis to install and pilot tailored renewable energy and energy efficiency (REEE) solutions. An ex-post standard energy audit and an innovative energy diagnosis will follow at a later stage of the project, in order to evaluate the impact and benefits of REEE interventions. The deadline for submission of proposals is on Friday April 9th, 2021 at 2:00 PM.
The RFQ was shared with 13 Energy Audit Companies that are qualified under the LCEC National Qualification Scheme as of May 2020. For more information about the ESCOs/Energy Audit Companies Qualification Scheme, please contact LCEC at
ESMES is part of the ENI CBC Med Programme and focuses on the optimization of energy consumption in public schools through innovative, monitoring-based renewable energy and energy efficiency (REEE) pilot actions. The project is being implemented in five (5) Mediterranean countries and it involves six (6) organizations: The Institute for University Cooperation (ICU) being the Lead Beneficiary, the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) being the Project Partner in Lebanon, the German Jordanian University in Jordan, the National Agency for Energy Management of Tunisia, the Ribera Consortium of Valencia in Spain, and the Alcamo Municipality in Italy.
For more information about ESMES, please visit the project website.