Join us for a webinar by Cool Up on 20 August 2024 at 1:00 pm (Beirut time)
Lebanon is about to freeze its HFC consumption and, therefore, the government actively supports initiatives focused on enhancing the energy efficiency of cooling equipment and ensures to design effective national strategies towards sustainable cooling. The markets in the MENA region, and Lebanon in particular, are linked closely to the European Union (EU) and thus typically implement similar environmental and safety regulations for effective trade.
Following the recent enforcement of revised EU F-gas Regulation and taking the best practice of the EU compliance standards, Lebanon is also developing similar regulations.
The Cool Up will highlight how the Kigali Amendment implementation affects local industry players under the HFC consumption freeze, including relevant political interventions of the HFC phase-down and further F-gas regulations.
The webinar provides insights and implications for the cooling market related to the new EU F-gas Regulation, Lebanon’s regulations and their correlation in the regulatory landscape. A dedicated part showcases the latest developments in cooling technology and market trends.
To register to the webinar: