I-REC - International Renewable Energy Certificates
The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation is proud to announce its role as the official local issuer of International Renewable Energy Certificates (IRECs) in Lebanon. IRECs, established by the International Tracking Standard Foundation, empower businesses, institutions, and renewable energy producers to certify and trade the environmental benefits of their green energy production.
As Lebanon's designated issuer, LCEC ensures that renewable energy generated locally can be verified and sold to organizations aiming to meet their sustainability targets, whether through compliance with carbon reduction mandates or showcasing corporate social responsibility. By purchasing IRECs, organizations can claim the use of renewable energy, irrespective of their geographical location or energy grid, and boost their environmental credentials.
The IREC system is a globally recognized, transparent framework that supports the growth of local renewable energy markets while aligning with international climate commitments. LCEC offers efficient and reliable service to help producers and buyers easily register and request the issuance of IRECs in accordance with international standards.
For more information, contact us via: irecissuer@lcec.org.lb

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